
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aussie Rules

On Thursday Room 13 went to Aussie Rules and at Aussies Rules we had to choose if we are partner A or B The tallest person had to go and get the ball. Then we did our warm up. We hopped next to our partner to try and knock them over.
room13 and rom19 played a game and the teams had to be on the field.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cross Country

It was finally time for the cross country we walked down to the park and sat in our quiet lines.The 10 year old went first, they went to Mr Burt as he was starting the race they all looked like they were all geared up to run.
I saw lee running really fast around the course and i think he came first.
when the 11 year old boys raced Staford was first of the boys.
It was really fun watching the cross country and i hope next time i wil be running too.

the aifajorcitos

Que Bueno son Los Alfajorcitos.muy Delicioso. Room 13 made alfajorcitos for a special treat.

Our alfajorcitos are made from biscuits and in them it has Dulce De leche. Then you have to put them together and make them like a sandwich.

When I made Alfajorcitos the Dulce De Ieches was sticky and gooey they were Delicioso to eat.