Roller baldes
This book is about roller baldes. of luke his friend was he was right the baldes wow lukes. sat on the door s outside. with his mum . when Mr Gery came over to the boy and he said to the boy can you and your friend went to help Mr gery outside on the the baclyiu rake the laves with his firend. when they was f rake the laves they went to jump on the laves when luke mum cames outside of the f and wacher them jump on the laves . when luke mum said to them you b back to work befor Mr gery comes soon and see you jumping on the laves . so they went back to work and when Mr gery come back to his home and the boy was rigth on time and luke mum was happy when Mr give luke roller baldes and his firend went home and luke had a turn on his roller wow his mum was doing the waching luke right the roller baldes.